Records Are Made To Be Broken

Ulli Market Commentary Contact

[Chart courtesy of] Moving the markets The move into record territory continued for the third straight day with the Dow climbing above its psychologically important 25k marker for the first time in history. Upward momentum remained strong throughout the session and into the close. Helping matters was the weakening of the VIX, which made history itself by trading with …

Records Continue To Fall

Ulli Market Commentary Contact

[Chart courtesy of] Moving the markets Today, all three major indexes moved in sync by pushing further into uncharted territory and closing at new all-time highs. It was a repeat of yesterday, as we headed straight north right after the opening bell and never looked back with additional momentum gathering strength in the last hour of the session. The …

Storming Into 2018 And Setting New Records

Ulli Market Commentary Contact

[Chart courtesy of] Moving the markets The weak performance of the last day of 2017 is now forgotten, and in the rear view mirror, as the major indexes stormed out of the starting blocks and never looked back. It was the S&P’s and Nasdaq’s turn to set new records while the Dow lagged for the time being. The energy, …

Edging Higher

Ulli Market Commentary Contact

[Chart courtesy of] Moving the markets It wasn’t much of a gain, but a gain nevertheless, as the major indexes ended their 2-day slide to close in the green by a small margin. Trading was subdued during this Holiday shortened week, as new catalysts were lacking, and I don’t expect much movement in equities over the last trading days …

Low Volume Equals Directionless Meandering

Ulli Market Commentary Contact

[Chart courtesy of] Moving the markets It was a tug-of-war between Apple (AAPL -2.53%) and the retail sector as the former fell and the latter rallied (XRT +1.12%). Crude oil (+2.27%) through in some bullish support but it the end, the major indexes headed south by a slight margin. Of course, Holiday shortened weeks invite low volume, so the …

Hunting For A Fresh Catalyst

Ulli Market Commentary Contact

[Chart courtesy of] Moving the markets With the tax reform package now being a done deal, the markets were in need of a new catalyst to continue their bullish theme. Since there was none to speak of, equities simply rallied higher because… well… that’s what they do. Energy, Financials and Telecom contributed to the positive outcome, but the mid-session …