Equity ETFs Get Spooked As European Fears Remain

Ulli Market Review Contact

[Chart courtesy of MarketWatch.com] After a stellar performance for equities last week, Halloween scared off investors to make markets end the month on a low note. Major indexes took a sizeable dip, with the S&P 500 falling 2.47%. Also, after recent dollar weakening, the dollar came back up to $1.38/Euro. Most startlingly, the VIX jumped a staggering 22.14%, nearly hitting …

Last Week In Review: ETF News And Blog Posts To 10/30/2011

Ulli Market Review Contact

In case you missed it, here’s a summary of the ETF topics and market reviews I posted to my blog during the week ending on 10/30/2011. The markets continued to feed on Europe’s mother of all debt deals designed to solve broad issues after a 50% haircut agreement was reached. However, worries persist, and rightfully so, that the execution of …

Equity ETFs Surge, But Don’t Get Too Excited

Ulli Market Review Contact

[Chart courtesy of MarketWatch.com] With the perception that Europe has perhaps now avoided disaster, markets responded with jubilation. The S&P 500 rose 3.43% while other indices such as the FTSE, Nikkei, and Shanghai Composite also rose. Meanwhile, oil got a 4.00% pop while the 10-year Treasury climbed up to 2.40%, its highest yield since early August. Also, the dollar depreciated …

The Pendulum Swings Up Again for Equity ETFs

Ulli Market Review Contact

[Chart courtesy of MarketWatch.com] Markets returned to positive territory as Europe appeared to make some progress at its financial summit, sending the S&P up 1.05%, although nothing is set in stone yet regarding a solution. In commodities, oil took a backseat after two big days, falling 2.47%. Furthermore, the dollar remained at $1.39/Euro. The VIX also dropped 7.32% to fall …

ETFs Caught in a Firefight Between U.S. and Europe Problems

Ulli Market Review Contact

[Chart courtesy of MarketWatch.com] After yesterday’s gains, markets took a step back today as the S&P 500 dropped 2.00% in the wake of weak U.S. corporate earnings and nervous anticipation ahead of tomorrow’s European summit meeting. In commodities, oil and gold rose 1.73% and 2.99%, respectively. The dollar remained relatively flat against the Euro, sticking to $1.39/Euro, while volatility took …