ETFs On The Cutline – Updated Through 08/21/2020

Ulli ETFs on the Cutline Contact

Below, please find the latest High-Volume ETF Cutline report, which shows how far above or below their respective long-term trend lines (39-week SMA) my currently tracked ETFs are positioned. This report covers the HV ETF Master List from Thursday’s StatSheet and includes 312 High Volume ETFs, defined as those with an average daily volume of more than $5 million, of …

ETF Tracker Newsletter For August 21, 2020

Ulli ETF Tracker Contact

ETF Tracker StatSheet           You can view the latest version here. MAINTAINING THE BULLISH BEAT [Chart courtesy of] Moving the markets Despite a slowdown in upward momentum this week, equities squeezed out another win with the S&P 500 gaining +0.71%, which may not be impressive but indicates continued bullishness, even though we saw some choppy and sloppy trading. In …

Weekly StatSheet For The ETF Tracker Newsletter – Updated Through 08/20/2020

Ulli ETF StatSheet Contact

ETF Data updated through Thursday, August 20, 2020 Methodology/Use of this StatSheet: 1. From the universe of over 1,800 ETFs, I have selected only those with a trading volume of over $5 million per day (HV ETFs), so that liquidity and a small bid/ask spread are assured. 2. Trend Tracking Indexes (TTIs) Buy or Sell decisions for Domestic and International …

Tech Reigns Supreme—Nasdaq Scores 35th Record Close

Ulli Market Commentary Contact

[Chart courtesy of] Moving the markets An initial dip for all major indexes turnout to be a non-event, as they dug themselves out of that early hole and closed in the green, with especially the Nasdaq showing a strong +1.06% gain. The rebound from yesterday’s loss happened in the face of two economic reports that kept concerns about the …

Fed Frustrates Markets

Ulli Market Commentary Contact

[Chart courtesy of] Moving the markets An early upswing ran into a brick wall, as the Fed minutes created uncertainty across the board. The Fed’s shying away from Yield Curve Control (YCC), where they allow interest rates to vacillate within a predetermined range, raises the risk of a potential hike in bond yields, which is not a positive for …

Breakout: S&P 500 And Nasdaq Score Record Highs

Ulli Market Commentary Contact

[Chart courtesy of] Moving the markets We saw a sloppy start to the session, during which the S&P 500 bounced, dropped into the red but recovered and slowly but surely climbed out of that early hole. Despite several attempts during the recent past, today was the day the index managed to set a new all-time high. Not to be …