Rally Peters Out…

Ulli Market Commentary Contact

[Chart courtesy of MarketWatch.com] Moving the Markets After yesterday’s euphoric rally, reality set in and pulled the indexes off their lofty levels. To be clear, the pullback was relatively benign compared to the gains. Contributing to the uneasiness was President Trump’s threat to shut down the government should congress continue to stonewall his efforts to build a wall along the …

Dow & S&P Score Best Daily Rise In Four Months

Ulli Market Commentary Contact

[Chart courtesy of MarketWatch.com] Moving the Markets Some White House mumbling about Trump’s tax reform along with renewed war mongering from last night’s speech combined to provide the fuel to drive today’s rally enabling the Dow and S&P 500 to notch their best daily gain in some four months, but the Nasdaq was the session’s top performer with +1.36%. Across …

Searching For Direction

Ulli Market Commentary Contact

[Chart courtesy of MarketWatch.com] Moving the Markets It was another session during which the major indexes danced around their respective unchanged lines. Early losses were wiped out for the most part, and we managed to eke out a tiny gain with the exception of the Nasdaq, which closed slightly in the red. In the ETF spectrum that we are invested …

One Man’s Opinion: Orwell Or Kafka – Ken Rogoff’s Crusade Against Cash Continues

Ulli Market Review Contact

Authored by Raul Ilargi Meijer via The Automatic Earth blog, Harvard professor and chess grandmaster Kenneth Rogoff has said some pretty out there stuff before, in his role as self-appointed crusader against cash, but apparently he’s not done yet. In fact, he might just be getting started. This time around he sounds like a crossover between George Orwell and Franz …

ETFs On The Cutline – Updated Through 08/18/2017

Ulli ETFs on the Cutline Contact

Below please find the latest High Volume ETFs Cutline report, which shows how far above or below their respective long-term trend lines (39 week SMA) my currently tracked ETFs are positioned. This report covers the HV ETF Master List from Thursday’s StatSheet and includes 366 High Volume ETFs ETFs, defined as those with an average daily volume of more than …

ETF Tracker Newsletter For August 18, 2017

Ulli ETF Tracker Contact

ETF Tracker StatSheet https://theetfbully.com/2017/08/weekly-statsheet-etf-tracker-newsletter-updated-08172017/ THE ROLLER COASTER RIDE CONTINUES [Chart courtesy of MarketWatch.com] Moving the Markets A mid-day rally, or was it a dead cat bounce, evaporated with the major indexes closing again below the unchanged line, although by only a slight margin. Volume was low, as it usually is during summer months which, when combined with nervous investors, leaves …