One Man’s Opinion: US Government’s 2016 Net Loss “More Than Doubled” To NEGATIVE $1 Trillion

Ulli Market Review Contact

By Simon Black Every year around this time the US federal government releases an annual financial report to the public. It would be hilarious if the numbers weren’t actually true. Just like Apple or Exxon, the government’s annual report contains several important financial statements and detailed commentary about their finances and operations. But unlike Apple, Exxon, the government can’t manage …

ETFs On The Cutline – Updated Through 03/03/2017

Ulli ETFs on the Cutline Contact

Below please find the latest High Volume ETFs Cutline report, which shows how far above or below their respective long-term trend lines (39 week SMA) my currently tracked ETFs are positioned. This report covers the HV ETF Master List from Thursday’s StatSheet and includes 366 High Volume ETFs ETFs, defined as those with an average daily volume of more than …

ETF Tracker Newsletter For March 3, 2017

Ulli ETF Tracker Contact

ETF Tracker StatSheet Clawing Back Above The Line [Chart courtesy of] Moving the Markets As we all know, you never get a straight answer from the Fed in regards to interest rates. Today was no exception as Fed head Yellen signaled that they are set raise rates this month, but they kept their options open via: “if employment …

Weekly StatSheet For The ETF Tracker Newsletter – Updated Through 03/02/2017

Ulli ETF StatSheet Contact

ETF Data updated through Thursday, March 2, 2017 Methodology/Use of this StatSheet: From the universe of over 1,800 ETFs, I have selected only those with a trading volume of over $5 million per day (HV ETFs), so that liquidity and a small bid/ask spread are assured. Trend Tracking Indexes (TTIs) Buy or Sell decisions for Domestic and International ETFs (section …

Coming Off The Sugar High

Ulli Market Commentary Contact

[Chart courtesy of] Moving the Markets While the jury is still out in regards to me considering yesterday’s market ramp a “blow-off” top, today’s pullback did not come as a surprise with the major indexes having been on 12-day parabolic rampage supported by not a lot of real news to justify it. Of course, today could have been a …

WS Critic: “Trump Makes America ‘Wait’ Again”

Ulli Market Commentary Contact

[Chart courtesy of] Moving the Markets One of the funnier headlines I’ve seen in a while was featured by a Bloomberg writer, who in a note titled “Still No Details as Trump Makes America Wait Again” opined that, while the market was surging on a sugar high this morning, no details on how Trump plans to achieve his lofty …