With last week’s market drop and Monday’s rebound still on everyone’s mind, let’s take a look at the big picture via the domestic Trend Tracking Index (TTI), which I have enlarged for better demonstration. The two big red arrows indicate a gap opening as upside momentum picked up steam after the February pullback.As I have mentioned in previous posts on …
Master Limited Partnerships (MLPs)
Several readers have emailed wanting to know about investing in MLPs via ETFs/ETNs. While I have not used them in my course of business, ETF Trends had this to say in “MLP ETNs: Another Source of Income?” Income-focused investors have been looking for new sources of dividends and interest, since yields are low, low, low. There is an alternative exchange …
Shock And Awe In 3-D
The European leaders finally showed some unity and decisiveness over the weekend, put on their best Poker face, and “went all in.” The rescue package of almost $1 trillion is designed to bring stability to some of the troubled economies in the union. The markets took that as a positive and rallied sharply on Monday as the futures already indicated …
What’s Ahead Now?
Much has been and more will be written about last Thursday’s market debacle during which at one point the Dow had plunged almost 1,000 points, its worst intra-day point pullback ever. With the Greece debt crisis having been the main cause of the turmoil, is there more downside risk and if so, how much? For some views, let’s listen in …
Sunday Musings: Investment Humility
One reader emailed me an interesting comment a week ago on a topic that I have touched on from time to time. Here’s what he had to say: Thanks again for all the valuable info. I realize that I need a service such as yours as I continue to make too many mistakes but it is difficult getting past my …
“Preferred” Income
Consistent income generation has always been a hot topic. For some thoughts, let’s listen in to “Preferred stock: Good income, but it’s not guaranteed:” Preferred stock combines some characteristics of common stock and of bonds. Like bonds, preferred shares pay a set amount of cash each quarter or year. And, as with bonds, owners of preferred stock have a higher …