How To Invest $50 million Dollars

Ulli Uncategorized Contact

There are many different viewpoints on how to invest your money, whether it is during the accumulation phase of your investment life or after you “have arrived.”

To my way of thinking, the approach for growing your assets is entirely different from the one you should use if you find yourself suddenly with a windfall in the range of 10s of millions of dollars.

One of my clients faced such a situation after he sold a portion of his business and had moved, as I refer to it, into the Investment EndZone. What is it?

It’s a state of financial independence that allows you to comfortably live off your investment income and assets without ever having to go back to work or take financial gambles.

Of course, the brokerage industry would want you to keep playing the same old investment game, since that has proven to be most profitable—for them. Take a look at the latest addition to my website called “
High Net Worth Strategy,” and download my free 6-page report, which explains my thinking and how my client Roger handled this situation.

You may not have reached that point, but I think it’s important for anybody to know how you can get shafted and/or misled by advice that is not in your best interest.

Contact Ulli

Comments 4

  1. Thanks a lot for your insightful post. You are a rare person in the community of financial advisors. Your honesty and looking out for your clinets and readers are your hall marks. Thanks.

  2. Ulli:
    Two questiona.
    1 I am looking at the chart for VNQ (Vanguard Reit Index). It is just about to touch the 200 day MA from below. In the last 18 months it has give about 5 false break ups above the 200 day MA.
    Is it sensible to wait for some time, till it breaks above (say 3%) of the 200 day MA and then invest in this?
    Thanks for your time.

    2. Second question is about TIPS. If I buy and sell TIP, for tax purposes do I treat the difference in prices as loss or gain? or is there a difference in tax treatment? My question is: Is it like any other ETF for capital gain calculations? TIP is alos likely to break the 200 day MA from below. Would you recommend investing in this? Thaks.

  3. To Anonymous 1:

    1. Yes, that’s what I do. Give VNQ some room to breathe to be sure the breakout is for real. 3% is reasonable.

    2. That’s a tax question, which you need to discuss with your tax professional.

    Once TIP breaks out, you can invest, but always use my recommended sell stop discipline.

    To Anonymous 2:

    By using a barbell approach, you are investing in the long end and the short end of the yield curve. The long end (5 -10 years) will enhance your current return, while the short end (6 months) will adjust to higher interest rates and therefore inflation.

    The extreme happened in 1981 when inflation was around 12-14%, money market accounts were paying 16%. So, the short-term T-Bills will cover that part.


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