Recently, I read a story in called “Hot Yields Drive Rebirth of Closed-End Funds.” It did a good job describing the reasons for the renewed interest in CEFs. As baby boomers are aging and moving into retirement, the goal seems to be to generate as much income as possible. While 5% bond yields are common and boring to some, …
No Load Fund/ETF Tracker updated through 6/28/2007
My latest No Load Fund/ETF Tracker has been posted at: higher oil prices, a pre-Fed announcement rally pushed the major indexes slightly higher Our Trend Tracking Index (TTI) for domestic funds/ETFs is now positioned +3.30% above its long-term trend line (red) as the chart below shows: The international index has now moved to +6.69% above its own trend line, as …
No Load Fund/ETF Tracker Update: Latest StatSheet Improvements
As you have seen in the last 2 weekly issues, the StatSheet has been expanded to contain more momentum data, which is now presented in PDF format. This allows me to more easily add new ETFs from the ever increasing menu of choices and enables you to better print out only those areas you’re interested in. Here are some of …
ETF Investing: Individual Country ETFs vs. BRIC
Selecting individual country funds for your portfolio can be a challenge due to the above average volatility. Additionally, you’ll never know when one country’s bull market run suddenly peters out while another one continues to scale to new highs. A better and more conservative way is to use an ETF which covers an entire region such as emerging markets (EEM). …
No Load Fund /ETF Investing: Are Subscription Newsletters Worth It?
Reader Nitin pointed to an article in the NYT called “The Crowd Is Restless, but Maybe That’s a Good Sign.”It deals with contrarian analysis, which simply means that historically the tendency for investors is to be wrong at major turning points. Market tops are reached when there are very few bears left and therefore no money is available on the …
Investment Management: Whose Money Is It Anyway?
A couple of days ago, I posted about a reader’s question regarding SMAs (Separately Managed Accounts). You may recall that the reader also said that “Last time I had a SMA with that broker they made it so difficult to close it. I am now afraid of opening another one with them.”Huh? Unfortunately, this is nothing I haven’t heard before …