Techs Drag Dow

Ulli Market Commentary Contact

[Chart courtesy of] 1. Moving the Markets Equities pulled back as a result of IBM and United Technologies putting the first negative on the board this earnings season just prior to the heavyweights, Apple and Microsoft, issuing their quarterly report cards after today’s close. The major indexes are still near record highs and, after having been on a tear …

Equities Jump As Greece’s Fallout Appears Contained

Ulli Market Commentary Contact

[Chart courtesy of] 1. Moving the Markets Taking a cue from the European markets, U.S. equities joined the party and moved higher with Greek exit fears subsiding after approval of new austerity programs. Giving an assist to the markets was ECB’s Mario Draghi who commented on their willingness to expand aid to some of the troubled banks. That was …

Equities Tumble—The International TTI Slips Into Bear Market Territory

Ulli Market Commentary Contact

[Chart courtesy of] 1. Moving the Markets For a change, at least on Wall Street, the problems in Greece seemed to have moved to the back-burner, while issues in China, such as their over 30% stock market slide in the past 3 weeks took center stage. The concern is that China’s equity slide will hurt their economy, the second …

Hope Of A Solution In Greece Fuels Rebound

Ulli Market Commentary Contact

[Chart courtesy of] 1. Moving the Markets Things looked very dicey for the S&P 500, and the markets in general, as the indexes dropped sharply after the opening. The S&P touched the 2,044 level, which was a break below its widely followed 200-day moving average. A close around the lows of the day may have generated a “Sell” signal …

Equities Pull Back As Outlook For Greece Remains Uncertain

Ulli Market Commentary Contact

[Chart courtesy of] 1. Moving the Markets It was a roller coaster ride as the major indexes dropped at the open, then managed to climb above the unchanged line before slipping again but rallying into the close. So far, the fallout has been worse in Europe but uncertainty and subsequent volatility may stay with us for a while. Via …

Major Indexes Drop—Trend Tracking Indexes (TTIs) Remain On The Bullish Side

Ulli Market Commentary Contact

[Chart courtesy of] 1. Moving the Markets Compared to the rest of the world, the domestic indexes held up fairly well as Greece’s negotiations unraveled as its local banks along with their stock market were closed. Nevertheless, the S&P 500 had its worst one-day showing in 2015. It was a bad news day all the way around as Greece’s …