7 ETF Model Portfolios You Can Use – Updated through 8/13/2013

Ulli Model ETF Portfolios Contact

After conquering the 1,700 marker for the S&P 500, we slipped again below it and meandered aimlessly for most of the week. The S&P 500 gave back 3 points since last week’s portfolio report. This sideways pattern does not surprise me as earnings season has come to an end and recent economic reports have not been overpowering in content, so …

ETFs/Mutual Funds On The Cutline – Updated Through 8/9/2013

Ulli ETFs on the Cutline Contact

Below are the latest ETF Cutline reports, which show how far above or below their respective long-term trend lines (39 week SMA) my currently tracked ETFs/MFs are positioned. The first report covers the ETF Master List from Thursday’s StatSheet and includes 398 ETFs, of which currently 302 (last week 301) are hovering in bullish territory. The second report includes only …

Weekly StatSheet For The ETF Newsletter – Through 08/08/2013

Ulli ETF StatSheet Contact

ETF/Mutual Fund Data updated through Thursday, August 8, 2013 If you are not familiar with some of the terminology used, please see the Glossary of Terms.   1. DOMESTIC EQUITY MUTUAL FUNDS/ETFs: BUY — since 10/25/2011 The Domestic TTI broke through its long-term trend line generating a Sell for this area effective 8/9/2011. Over the recent past, we’ve seen the …

7 ETF Model Portfolios You Can Use – Updated through 8/6/2013

Ulli Model ETF Portfolios Contact

After several attempts, the S&P 500 finally managed to pierce the glass ceiling represented by the 1,700 milestone marker. Not only did we close clearly above it (1,710), we remained there for three days until yesterday’s sell off took us back below that level. With the earnings season winding down and talk of tapering due later on this year accelerating, …

ETFs/Mutual Funds On The Cutline – Updated Through 8/2/2013

Ulli ETFs on the Cutline Contact

Below are the latest ETF Cutline reports, which show how far above or below their respective long-term trend lines (39 week SMA) my currently tracked ETFs/MFs are positioned. The first report covers the ETF Master List from Thursday’s StatSheet and includes 398 ETFs, of which currently 301 (last week 307) are hovering in bullish territory. The second report includes only …

Weekly StatSheet For The ETF/No Load Fund Tracker Newsletter – Updated Through 08/01/2013

Ulli ETF StatSheet Contact

ETF/Mutual Fund Data updated through Thursday, August 1, 2013 If you are not familiar with some of the terminology used, please see the Glossary of Terms.   1. DOMESTIC EQUITY MUTUAL FUNDS/ETFs: BUY — since 10/25/2011 The Domestic TTI broke through its long-term trend line generating a Sell for this area effective 8/9/2011. Over the recent past, we’ve seen the …