Last Week In Review: ETF News And Blog Posts To 12/11/2011

Ulli Market Review Contact

In case you missed it, here’s a summary of the ETF topics and market reviews I posted to my blog during the week ending on 12/11/2011. Relief from the European summit that more fiscal discipline will be part of a future agreement involving all 26 EU members (except England) kept the major market indexes elevated. Even though no structural issues …

Equity ETFs Get a Rude Wake Up Call Amid European Woes

Ulli Market Review Contact

[Chart courtesy of] After days of relative inactivity, markets finally erred to the downside as news coming out of the EU summit highlighted the difficult landscape that Europe continues to face.  The S&P 500 fell 2.11% while European indices dropped as well. For instance, France’s CAC 40 experienced a 2.53% dip. For the first time in a couple weeks, …

Major Market ETFs Anchored in Uncertainty Ahead of EU Summit

Ulli Market Review Contact

[Chart courtesy of] In yet another flat day on Wall Street, the S&P 500 trudged forward only 0.20% with other indices following suit in terms of minimal price volatility. The VIX only rose 2.60% today in what has been a quiet week to say the least. Meanwhile, the dollar remained unchanged against the Euro at $1.34/Euro while commodity action …

Which Way Will ETFs Go? – Markets Stuck in the Middle

Ulli Market Review Contact

[Chart courtesy of] Despite some warnings yesterday concerning Eurozone downgrades, major market ETFs seemed relatively unaffected. The S&P 500 bumped up a paltry 0.11% as volatility remained minimal once more as the VIX rose only 1.04%. Once again, the dollar/Euro exchange rate barely moved while commodities such as gold and oil were pretty flat. Although we haven’t seen massive …

Equity ETFs in the Green Again – Is this Short-Term Equity Rally For Real?

Ulli Market Review Contact

[Chart courtesy of] European fears have appeared to temporarily subside as markets pushed upwards once more, building off of last week’s big gains as the S&P 500 finished up 1.03%. This positivity was also echoed by European indices. Nevertheless, the Euro remained virtually unchanged against the dollar at $1.34/Euro. Meanwhile, the Volatility Index had another quiet day, inching up …