Sharp Upswing For Equity ETFs Despite Continued Negativity

Ulli Market Review Contact

[Chart courtesy of] Despite a down opening for markets, Apple’s massive earnings caused quite a roar. The S&P 500 jumped 0.87% while the NASDAQ had a big gain of 1.14% as Apple roared ahead due to stellar earnings. However, the same optimism wasn’t echoed by Europe and Asia. Furthermore, the Euro rose to $1.31 against the dollar while the …

Still No Breakout or Breakdown for Major Market ETFs

Ulli Market Review Contact

[Chart courtesy of] Major market ETFs hovered near the zero mark once again as Greece remains in a deadlock with its creditors. The S&P 500 marginally dipped 0.10% while European indices were down as well. Also, the Euro stood still at $1.30/Euro while the 10-year Treasury was virtually unchanged at 2.06%. Overall, the last couple weeks have presented an …

Flat Performance for ETFs Amidst Greek Uncertainty

Ulli Market Review Contact

[Chart courtesy of] As we wait for a resolution between Greece and its bondholders, markets stood flat as the S&P 500 chimed in a meager 0.05%. Meanwhile, the 10-year Treasury climbed to a yield of 2.07%, indicating that investors are less risk averse than they have been in recent weeks. For the first time in over two weeks, the …

Despite This Week’s Bullishness, Risk Hasn’t Faded Away

Ulli Market Review Contact

Markets performed quite well this week across the globe, but let’s not get our hopes up so high. European fundamentals still haven’t markedly changed while Greece’s fate is still in the hands of its bondholders. In other words, don’t jump full on into equity ETFs. This week’s video from Nouriel Roubini and Ian Bremmer highlights some of the risks plaguing …

Equity ETFs Keep Pushing Forward

Ulli Market Review Contact

[Chart courtesy of] Markets were acting bullish once again with the S&P 500 gaining 0.49%. Some of the gains were likely attributed to positive earnings reports from financial institutions among others, and expectations that Greece might come to an agreement with bondholders. European and Asian markets rose as well. An indication that investors don’t seem to be worried about …

Markets Roar Ahead – Time For More Equity ETF Exposure?

Ulli Market Review Contact

[Chart courtesy of] Markets appeared to be in risk off mode today as equities brought their bull horns out. The S&P 500 gained 1.11%. The NASDAQ also had a big day, gaining 1.53% to keep the tech rally going. Also, the Euro bumped up to $1.29/dollar while the 10-year Treasury yield rose to 1.90%. I think there’s still plenty …