ETFs On The Slide

Ulli Market Commentary Contact

There’s no question which news event ruled the day. From the get go, it was S&P’s announcement that it is cutting its outlook on U.S. government debt to negative, which could threaten its pristine AAA rating. The major market ETFs dropped like a rock, but afternoon bargain hunting limited losses somewhat. Good thing there wasn’t another negative news report, or …

Major Market ETFs Sink On Weak Economic Outlook

Ulli Market Commentary Contact

There was no green number to be found in today’s market pullback, as the chart from MarketWatch clearly shows. It was a day during which recovery worries clearly surfaced as it appeared that the economy may not be as strong as had been previously assumed. While these inconvenient thoughts have surfaced from time to time, bullish sentiment has always won …

Major Market ETFs Climb Uphill—Gold Hits A New High

Ulli Market Commentary Contact

In an about face from Tuesday, the markets managed to climb uphill on Wednesday, and the major market exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) posted modest gains. Gold (GLD) was the big winner by making a new high of $1,438/ounce. Interest rates were higher, pulling bonds down, but the major asset classes all ended up to the plus side. The day did …

Major Market ETFs Fall Back

Ulli Market Commentary Contact

There was some slippage in the market, and those exchange-traded funds (ETFs) representing the major indexes (DIA, QQQQ and SPY) pulled back a little. After the recent rebound, it’s no surprise that that the markets took a breather, but it could also have been a case of exhaustion. In the last 23 trading sessions, for example, the Dow (DIA) had …

ETFs Pop On Merger News—SPY Gains 1.55%

Ulli Market Commentary Contact

Who cared about global hotspots and disasters? Yesterday, it was all about merger mania and excitement over AT&T’s intention to buy T-Mobile U.S.A. for $39 billion. The markets jumped right out of the gate, as the chart above (courtesy of shows. The ETF equivalent of the S&P 500, SPY, added +1.55%, slightly more than its underlying index, while small …