Giving Back Most Of The Early Gains

Ulli Market Commentary Contact

[Chart courtesy of] Moving the markets An early ramp ran into resistance around mid-day when sentiment turned bearish, and sellers pulled the major indexes not just off their high points but also to a close at the lows of the day. Good thing the clock ran out, or we might have seen another reversal with nothing to show for. …

Traders Sell The Rip

Ulli Market Commentary Contact

[Chart courtesy of] Moving the markets An early follow through to the upside from yesterday’s rebound ran into resistance quickly, as traders were more comfortable adopting the mantra “let’s sell the rip” rather than believing the rally had substance to it. The Dow and the S&P 500 surrendered all gains and closed in the red with the Nasdaq barely …

ETFs On The Cutline – Updated Through 12/07/2018

Ulli ETFs on the Cutline Contact

Below, please find the latest High-Volume ETF Cutline report, which shows how far above or below their respective long-term trend lines (39-week SMA) my currently tracked ETFs are positioned. This report covers the HV ETF Master List from Thursday’s StatSheet and includes 322 High Volume ETFs, defined as those with an average daily volume of more than $5 million, of …

ETF Tracker Newsletter For December 7, 2018

Ulli ETF Tracker Contact

  [Chart courtesy of] This is just a brief summary of today’s events, since I am down with a head cold. Downward momentum picked up speed again today, after yesterday’s reprieve, with the major indexes plunging over 4.5% for the week, which was its worst weekly decline since March. Despite the trade truce, Fed dovishness, and Canada cutting oil …

Weekly StatSheet For The ETF Tracker Newsletter – Updated Through 12/06/2018

Ulli ETF StatSheet Contact

ETF Data updated through Thursday, December 6, 2018 Methodology/Use of this StatSheet: From the universe of over 1,800 ETFs, I have selected only those with a trading volume of over $5 million per day (HV ETFs), so that liquidity and a small bid/ask spread are assured. Trend Tracking Indexes (TTIs) Buy or Sell decisions for Domestic and International ETFs (section …