Mutual Funds On The Cutline – Updated as of 5/9/2011

Ulli Mutual Funds On The Cutline Contact

This week, it was déjà vu. With most equity funds hovering way above their respective trend lines, the juggling around the cutline occurred with bond and moderate allocation funds. Despite fear of higher rates, this cutline report confirms the tendency towards lower ones; at least for the time being. For example, the most sensitive bond funds are zero-coupon funds; the …

ETF Face-Off: EEM vs. VWO

Ulli Emerging Markets ETFs Contact

With over 1,000 ETFs now making up the universe, there is bound to be some redundancy. If you cut down this large ETF pile and select only those with high average daily volume figures, which I define over $10 million, you end up with less than 100. Even in that much smaller pile there are duplications, which are necessary for …

Last Week’s Lessons: ETF News And Blog Posts

Ulli ETF News Contact

In case you missed it, here’s a summary of the topics that I posted to my blog during week ending on 5/8/2011. With a very volatile week now in the rearview mirror, consulting the Cutline tables and Model ETF Portfolios can assist you in making better investment decisions in the future, as another week loaded with uncertainties is upon us. …

Are Commodity ETFs Bursting?

Ulli Commodity ETFs Contact

With the commodity markets having it taken on the chin last week, this may be a good time to review what famed investment manager Jeremy Grantham had to say about this sector a week or so ago. Here’s his view, as well as the markets in general, in “Bad China, good weather will bust commodity market ‘en masse:’” Jeremy Grantham …