First Latin American Bond ETF Launched

Ulli Latin American Bond ETF Contact

Morningstar reports that “Van Eck Launches Latin American Bond ETF.” Let’s look at some highlights: On Thursday, May 12, Van Eck launched the first exchange-traded fund that holds only Latin American bonds. Market Vectors LatAM Aggregate Bond ETF (BONO), which charges a net expense ratio of 0.49%, is the ETF world’s latest foray into emerging-markets bonds. The new fund tracks …

ETFs On The Cutline – Updated through 5/13/2011

Ulli ETFs on the Cutline Contact

It was almost a repeat performance of the prior week as equities struggled to find some footing. There was more weakness in the international arena as compared to the domestic one, which is apparent by this latest Cutline report. The few equity funds, within the 20 positions above the cutline (trend line), slipped and headed below the line. EWJ (Japan …

Market Post Mortem: ETF News And Blog Posts

Ulli Trend Tracking Contact

In case you missed it, here’s a summary of the topics that I posted to my blog during week ending on 5/15/2011. More bobbing and weaving in the markets left the major indexes near the point of where we started 5 trading days ago. My published Cutline tables and Model ETF Portfolios can give you an assist by indentifying weakness …

Will Your ETFs Be Affected By The Proposed Circuit Breaker Rules?

Ulli ETF Circuit Breaker Rules Contact

A few days ago, on its anniversary, I reviewed the flash crash of 2006, the impact it had on the investing public along with the “do’s” and “don’ts” when using sell stops. The WSJ (subscription required) had a follow up story about the resulting proposals for a trading-halt system for stocks and ETFs. Let’s look at some highlights: The current …

Hot, And Not So Hot, ETFs – For The Week Ending 5/13/2011

Ulli ETF StatSheet Contact

Here are the top 5 winners and losers from my High Volume ETF Master List: As mentioned in Friday’s market update, the international TTI (Trend Tracking Index) has shown more weakness than the domestic one. This is clearly confirmed by the worst performers of the bunch with 4 out of 5 being country ETFs. Disclosure: Holdings in XLV

Testing The Ivy ETF Portfolio

Ulli The IVY Portfolio Contact

A big tip of the hat goes to reader Richard for sharing his back testing results of the Ivy ETF Portfolio. Richard is a far better chartist than I am and has thrown me an assist on some occasions. He writes as follows: There are several details to be aware of, as I tried to keep it simple/rule-based: 1.  No …