When Should You Take Profits?

Ulli Uncategorized Contact

Reader Steve is still unclear about an important part of Trend Tracking, namely when to take profits. He writes as follows: Thanks again for your great blog and newsletter. You have really helped me improve my trading (and the way I look at markets). I have appreciated you reviewing your entry and exit strategies. I do have one question. When …

Sunday Musings: Rubbing Me The Wrong Way

Ulli Uncategorized Contact

I get a lot of e-mails and comments about my articles and weekly updates. I find most of them constructive, but once in a while I get a real winner. This was the case yesterday, when reader Doug had this to say: I was disappointed in your facetious comment in the second paragraph under MIXED BAG, regarding the CPI numbers. …

Portfolio Anxiety

Ulli Uncategorized Contact

While we all enjoy the incredible benefits that technology has brought us over the past few years, there have been some disadvantages especially when it comes to handling your portfolio. Sure, instant access to all information anywhere, e-mail, the internet and customized tracking of your investments have made a mostly positive difference in all of our lives. However, there have …

No Load Fund/ETF Tracker updated through 6/12/2008

Ulli Uncategorized Contact

My latest No Load Fund/ETF Tracker has been posted at:http://www.successful-investment.com/newsletter-archive.phpA volatile week left the major indexes with only minor changes. Our Trend Tracking Index (TTI) for domestic funds/ETFs has moved lower and now remains -0.08% below its long-term trend line (red). The international index dropped as well and now remains -5.65% below its own trend line, keeping us on the …

Clarification Of The Sell Strategy

Ulli Uncategorized Contact

In regards to Monday’s post “Honing In On The Sell Strategy” one reader had this to say:In Friday’s newsletter stat sheet, you said “My sell rules are as follows: I will liquidate any of my holdings if they drop by more than 7% from their highs since I bought them, or if the TTI breaks below the neutral zone, which …

Worse Than It Looked

Ulli Uncategorized Contact

The bulls claimed victory on Tuesday because the markets held their own and closed around the break even point as the chart from MarketWatch shows. These days it seems to take very little to keep the bulls happy. However, Fed chief Bernanke’s saber rattling about inflation and potentially higher interest rates boosted the dollar but caused other markets to decline. …