Where Is The Safe Haven?

Ulli Uncategorized Contact

Last week’s severe market drop was felt around the world. Despite a solid rebound today, it’s still too early to say with any certainty if the correction is behind us. Many investors feel that proper diversification will protect them from sharp corrections in the market. Last year’s drubbing during May/June 06 and last week’s global down turn had one thing …

How (Not) To Calm The Financial Markets

Ulli Uncategorized Contact

The best part about having a readership of over 18,000 to my weekly No Load Fund/ETF Tracker is that I get a lot of commentary and feedback, which always seems to broaden my horizon. After last week’s global market meltdown, reader Don had this to say: “Ulli: I’m not sure what your political nature is, but I thought it was …

No Load Fund/ETF Tracker updated through 3/2/2007

Ulli Uncategorized Contact

My latest No Load Fund/ETF Tracker has been posted at:http://www.successful-investment.com/newsletter-archive.phpA worldwide sell-off starting in China caused all markets to decline sharply, but none of our sell stop points were triggered. Our Trend Tracking Index (TTI) for domestic funds moved lower as well and now sits +3.22% above its long-term trend line (red) as the chart below shows: The international index …

One Day Does Not Make A Trend

Ulli Uncategorized Contact

The markets corrected in a big way today with all major indexes closing sharply to the downside. It was one of those days, where you could not find a place to hide. While you can read about what happened in any newspaper or on your favorite financial web site, I want to briefly talk about how this drop affected our …

No Load Fund/ETF Tracker updated through 2/23/2007

Ulli Uncategorized Contact

My latest No Load Fund/ETF Tracker has been posted at: http://www.successful-investment.com/newsletter-archive.phpThe markets slipped slightly this week, as traders were occupied with higher oil and commodity prices, problems for sub prime lenders, weak housing, a worse than expected CPI report and Iran’s nuclear ambitions. Our Trend Tracking Index (TTI) for domestic funds moved higher as well and now sits +6.03% above …

The Dumb Deal Of The Week

Ulli Uncategorized Contact

While this topic is a little bit outside of No Load Fund/ETF investing, it nevertheless struck a cord with me. What happened? Chrysler announced a “shocking” plan to lay off some 13,000 workers and decrease annual production by 400,000 vehicles. Additionally, word leaked out that Mercedes is considering breaking its ties with Chrysler. So far, this sounds like a good …