Mission Accomplished: S&P 2,100 And Dow 18,000

Ulli Market Commentary Contact

[Chart courtesy of MarketWatch.com] 1. Moving the Markets Markets are feeling warm and fuzzy after returning to familiar 2015 stomping ground of 18,000 for the Dow and 2,100 for the S&P 500. As was to be expected, some analysts are now even predicting that the Dow could climb to 18,700 over the next year and a half, largely driven by …

Dow Conquers 18,000 Level

Ulli Market Commentary Contact

[Chart courtesy of MarketWatch.com] 1. Moving the Markets Despite yesterday’s miserable failure of the OPECers to come to a production limitation agreement, the markets headed north with the S&P climbing to a 4-month high while the Dow managed to close above the 18,000 level, its highest point since last July. When news of the OPEC failure came out yesterday, oil …

ETFs/Mutual Funds On The Cutline – Updated Through 04/15/2016

Ulli ETFs on the Cutline Contact

Below are the latest ETF Cutline reports, which show how far above or below their respective long-term trend lines (39 week SMA) my currently tracked ETFs/MFs are positioned. The first report covers the ETF Master List from Thursday’s StatSheet and includes 381 ETFs, of which currently 283 (last week 218) are hovering in bullish territory. The second report includes only …

One Man’s Opinion: Is There A Disconnect Between GDP Readings And Retail Sales Numbers?

Ulli Market Review Contact

US businesses are hiring people but are unable to get much extra output per hour of their work, and so income and sales are sluggish, said Vincent Reinhart of Standish Investment Management, a subsidiary of BNY Mellon. While unemployment rate has hit 4.9-5 percent rate, the gross domestic product reading doesn’t seem to corroborate the US jobs scenario. Asked to …

New ETFs On The Block: First Trust Dorsey Wright Dynamic Focus 5 ETF (FVC)

Ulli Sector ETFs Contact

Using the fund-of-funds investment strategy has proven quite successful for many US fund managers. First Trust Advisors, the Illinois-based seventh-largest issuer of exchange-traded funds, recently launched a dynamic version of its most popular sector-rotation ETF that can incorporate cash allocation during periods of heightened market volatility. The First Trust Dorsey Wright Dynamic Focus 5 ETF (FVC) employs the same methodology …

ETF/No Load Fund Tracker Newsletter For April 15, 2016

Ulli ETF Tracker Contact

ETF/No Load Fund Tracker StatSheet ————————————————————- https://theetfbully.com/2016/04/weekly-statsheet-for-the-etfno-load-fund-tracker-newsletter-updated-through-04142016/ ———————————————————— Market Commentary MARKETS POST GAINS FOR SECOND WEEK OF APRIL [Chart courtesy of MarketWatch.com] 1. Moving the Markets Although markets closed slightly lower on Friday, they remained in positive territory for the week. The 3-day rally from Tuesday to Thursday helped stocks continue on a bullish path. We heard news from China …