In this second edition, you’ll notice that ETFs do not remain in the same position in relation to the cutline for very long. This week’s exception would be DFJ, which continues to hang around the +1 placement. Then there are fast paced ETFs like TUR, which was in a +3 position last week and catapulted off this table by having …
Sunday Musings: Update On New Blog Improvements
Last Monday’s premier post titled “ETFs On The Cutline” was a successful one based on positive reader feedback along with a high count of blog visitors. As I announced a couple of weeks ago, further improvements, to provide you with more relevant ETF/mutual fund data, were in the pipeline, are now finalized and will be published next week. If you …
On ETFs, CEFs, MLPs And Trend Tracking—One Reader’s Experience
You just never know what all you can do with the concept of trend tracking until someone else tells you about it. That was the case with reader KD, who more or less customized trend tracking to match his risk tolerance and investing preferences. Here’s what he had to say: I thought I would share some of my results since …
ETF/No Load Fund Tracker updated through 4/7/2011
ETF/No Load Fund Tracker StatSheet ————————————————————- THE LINK TO OUR CURRENT ETF/MUTUAL FUND STATSHEET IS: ———————————————————— Market Commentary Friday, April 8, 2011 MAJOR MARKET ETFs LACKING A PULSE This week turned out to be a non-event, as far as the direction of the major market ETFs was concerned, as the last five trading days ended with the S&P 500 …
Weekly StatSheet For The ETF/No Load Fund Tracker— Updated Through 4/7/2011
ETF/Mutual Fund Data updated through Thursday, April 7, 2011 If you are not familiar with some of the terminology used, please see the Glossary of Terms. 1. DOMESTIC EQUITY MUTUAL FUNDS/ETFs: BUY— since 6/3/2009 As announced via a blog post, on 6/2/2009, the TTI triggered a buy signal with an effective date of 6/3/2009. We will use the 7% …
A Peek At Socially Responsible ETFs
Several readers have inquired about socially responsible ETFs. Here’s the latest update called “Do-Good SRI ETFs Invest With Principles:” Now indexed exchange-traded funds also let people put their cash where their conscience is. An increasing number of ETFs track U.S. and international indexes of companies that show commitment to environmental, social and corporate governance criteria. Others focus on alternative energy …